Registration Fees

Payment Entitlements

  • Participants / delegates are charged based on their institution/affiliation not nationality of first author.

  • Cancellations are not allowed, and the return of payment is not possible.

  • The registration fee should be excluded the transfer fee and bank charges. Bank transfer fee/charge should be paid by the participants.

  • Presenters who do not pay in full by Nov. 16, 2024, will not be included in the schedule and their abstract will not be printed in the Program and Abstract Book.

  • Registration fee includes publication in International Journal.

  • At least one author for each accepted full paper must register.

Fee Categories

Categories Local Participants international Participants
Regular (Early Bird) IDR 3.000.000 USD 300
Student (Early Bird) IDR 2.000.000 USD 200
Regular IDR 4.000.000 USD 400
Student IDR 2.500.000 USD 250
Presenter without Paper IDR 1.000.000 USD 100
Audience Without Paper IDR 500.000 USD 50

Additional fee may apply. This fee is included in the cost of publication. If the paper is not eligible for publication and the author has paid, the fee for publication will be refunded.

Payment Address

All payment made must be addressed to account below:

  • Bank: BNI

  • Virtual Account Number: 82577110309242002

  • Virtual Account Name: DRPM 2024 - SEMINAR ICOSNHT


Please send a confirmation of payment (copy proof of payment) and fill the form at this platform after your abstract has been submitted

Other Informations

Information about publisher, Terms & Conditions, Publication Policy & Ethics
For presenter and audience
Abstract and Full Paper Templates